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The Approach

If you want to move more freely and enjoy life to the full then pain, stiffness and fear are all things that can stop you.


Making a decision to do something about is the first and most important step.


But often choosing the right person to help you or more importantly the fear of choosing the wrong one can mean that your progress stops here and you end up just putting up with your problems and never getting things sorted.


Learn the 10 things you should ask before

choosing someone to treat you







Developed over 20 years and successfully treating thousands of patients, Justin has developed a complete approach to managing your body that really works.


We know that 'hands on' treatment really works but its limitation has always been that it provided only short term relief or effects.  This is why you can receive some treatment form a chiropractor, physio or osteopath which feels great but only lasts a few days until you feel the same again and think that you need to go back for more treatment.


In a similar way exercises have been used by physiotherapists and other practitioners for years but if they are no specifically tailored to each individual or a person is not able to do them properly because of pain or stiffness, then they are not usually effective.


"Finally I found a treatment approach that is designed just for me and really works!"


So how does it work?

The first step is finding out what is going on and how it is affecting your life.


This is different for everyone.  For some they can live with a bit of pain but their main concern is they can't do something that they love, such as walking or playing tennis.  For others a nagging headache or back pain mean that they cannot concentrate at work or that they have trouble sleeping.  Others are not having any problems at all but would like to be proactive and try to prevent problems before they start.
















Step 1 is therefore to really understand you and what you want to achieve.  This sounds obvious but all too often with the limited time that your Doctor is given to listen to you or when you see


Step 2 is to look at what we call Intrinsic 

Historically this has meant looking at your body like a machine but we know now that you are complex organism which is not just a mix of muscles, joints and nerves but also emotions, past experiences and existing beliefs.  - link to lorimer moseley website.




While we often think that there is something wrong with our body when it hurts, this is not always the case.  Pain is a protective mechanism 


link to pain video.


Sort out head - beliefs etc

Sort out body - manual therapy 







posture and movement





Is physiotherapy the only way to do this?


Absolutely not.  There are many ways to reduce pain and move more freely.  


Here are 10 things that you need to ask yourself when choosing someone to help you. (They are may not be all as obvious as you would think but I guarantee they will may a difference to how successful your treatment will be!)


1.  Are they highly qualified?

2. Do they have a good reputation?

2. Do they fill your with confidence?

3. Do they inspire me?

4. Do you get on with them and trust them?

5. Do they listen to you?

6. Does your practitioner's objectives match your own?

7. Do they work out a treatment plan with you that you are involved with?

8. Does your treatment ob

9. Do you have a way of measuring whether treatment is being successful?

10. Am I making any progress?











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